February 2013 Moon-Jupiter Conjunction [☾ ~ #22] - Kath's Journey | Going one step at a time

February 2013 Moon-Jupiter Conjunction [☾ ~ #22]

February 19, 2013

It was during my brother's wedding yesterday that I noticed something interesting upon looking up in the sky. Apparently, the half-moon is currently only a few degrees apart  from Jupiter

This is the best shot I've taken with my camera, with settings:

F-stop -- f/4.5
Exposure time -- 1/650 sec
ISO speed -- ISO-1600
No flash

 And this is how Stellarium projected it.

I am always amused with lunar conjunctions. I am so glad I got to snap an image of this. :D Moon and Jupiter will be close to each other for the coming few nights, and it would be nice to observe this. :D Ad astra per aspera!

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