Brewing in the Kitchen [♨ ~ #6] - Kath's Journey | Going one step at a time

Brewing in the Kitchen [♨ ~ #6]

November 01, 2012

It's been a busy week although fortunately I had the time to cook some dishes. Here are the 'potions' that I was able to brew in the kitchen for the past few weeks:

Pasta with Chicken, Garlic and Basil
The name of this dish says all what's in it. It could have been a good recipe if only we had olive oil. Regular cooking oil won't work for this I believe.

Taste Buds Rating:  [3/5]

Strawberry-Banana French Toast
It's a twist to what I'm used to on french toasts. Usually I add sugar to the egg-milk mixture though with this one it's unnecessary because the sweetness would come from the strawberry. However I did not have actual strawberries in the kitchen during this time. Now that I think of it, I should have just added sugar so that the taste did not turn out to be a little bland. :p

Taste Buds Rating:  [3/5]

Mini Meatball Sub
I think this recipe is really not meant to be partnered with rice. I think this is best consumed with bread or pasta. xD

This recipe is the reason why I bought these spices.
Taste Buds Rating:  [3/5]

Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Salsa
This is the best one on this batch! Toasting wheat bread is much different from toasting white bread. And also I loved the taste of the sauce. :D

I want to make this again! Yum. :D~

Taste Buds Rating:  [5/5]

I would be cooking another batch for the coming week. So far I am realizing the mistakes that I did for the previous dishes that I made. xD Well, there's always room for improvement. ^__^


All recipes here were taken from Yummy: Good To Go Recipe Booklet.

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