A-Z Challenge: Personal Photography Project [☾ ~ #16] - Kath's Journey | Going one step at a time

A-Z Challenge: Personal Photography Project [☾ ~ #16]

October 30, 2012

I was browsing through sites for new photography ideas, and I happened to come along to this post about starting your very own photography project. I became highly motivated, so I am giving it a try!

So starting today, I would be doing the A-Z photo challenge project. It's gonna be a 'per-week' project. For this week, I would start taking photos that I associate with a word that starts with the letter A, then next week it would be letter B, and so on. This means this project will last for 26 weeks!

If you are a beginner in the field of photography, or just has the passion for it, please do join me in this project! :D I would be happy to post your pictures here, or post links to your photos. :D

If you want to join, this is what we're going to do. 

You can post your photos on twitter and/or at Instagram and use the tag    #AZchallenge, or email me your entries. :D  
 I won't be doing this anymore because I've discovered that there's already an activity in instagram with the same tag. :O Instead, please just email me (katalinarosario@gmail.com) all photos that you wish to submit for this project
By the end of the week, I would be compiling the photos (together with mine!) following the 'letter of the week' and post it here on the blog. 
All photos should be original (you are the one who captured that photo). You can use any kind of camera (phone, point-and-shoot, DSLRs, or even a webcam if you wish). 
You can also send more than one entry (send as many as you can!) 
No gross and/or pornographic images. >< 
Please include in your tweet or email the word that is associated with the picture. Use English words only, as this blog caters an international audience. 
Do take note that by joining this project, you are giving me permission to post your photos here (and do some editing on it). You can put watermark on the image if you want. :)
You can send photos of any letter at any time within that 26-week period. It would be my job to arrange and compile them. Publishing of photos would be a 'one letter per week' basis. If in case you had submitted a photo for letter B, but it's already letter D this week, it's okay. I would still include your photo and just update the letter B post.

This is not a contest or anything. It would be just a fun way of learning how to take photos, and also to test your creativity. I know many have tried this kind of thing online, but anyway I am opening this to everyone so as to keep my own motivation up until I actually conquer this 26-week project. :D

I'm excited on how this project will go! So with that, hold your cameras -- ready, set, and CLICK!

As a sneak peek of how things would go, here's my first entry for this week:

Come back to this site next week for more entries for letter A! :D


One Step at a Time | Personal Photography Project
A-Z Photo Challenge

Week #1 (October 30 - November 5): Letter A

Where to submit entries:
Twitter/Instagram: Use the tag #AZchallenge OR

Email: katalinarosario@gmail.com

I think this can also serve as my celebration in accomplishing to write a hundred posts for this blog! \(^____^)/


Letter A
Letter B
Letter C - Letter D
Letter E
Letter F, G, H
Letter I, J, K, L, M 

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