Getting Started [☉ ~ #1] - Kath's Journey | Going one step at a time

Getting Started [☉ ~ #1]

November 13, 2011

Android phones are one of the latest trends in the mobile industry today. As a programmer, it really appealed to me that the Android OS is an open source software and that anyone can develop applications with it.

My undergrad thesis involved mobile devices and maybe that influenced my interest in mobile applications. 

I'm really excited to create apps in Android!

Of course to get everything started, we have to install all necessary applications to the computer.

There's a free ebook available online, and that's where I read things about Android.

This book might already have outdated facts. As of this writing,
there's already Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) available.

As you may have read in the About section of this blog, I bought an Android phone just because I wanted to develop applications on it (even though I still have a Symbian phone and it's still working perfectly). My Android test device is an HTC Wildfire S phone.

My test device... :D

With programs installed and an Android phone, I'm now ready to develop! Let the 'droids come to life!

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